About the campaign

Launched in spring 2014, the mobile zoo campaign is managed by UK registered charity, the Freedom for Animals. Set up in response to animal welfare concerns, as well as those surrounding health and safety for children and other participants, the campaign seeks to educate parents and teachers on the use of animals in events. Regulation is limited on the industry, continuing the suffering of animals.

Freedom for Animals encourages parents and teachers to think twice about booking a mobile zoo or live animal handling experience and instead choose an animal (and child) friendly activity in its place.

For more information about Freedom for Animals’ wider work for animals, please visit our website.

Sincere thanks to award-winning cartoonist, Tony Husband, for donating his time and talents to provide the illustrations for this campaign, to voiceover artist, Harriet Carmichael, for bringing Tony’s characters to life, to Glued Films for creating the animation, to Papertank for the web design and build and to SoWhatUK for the use of their educational materials.

Finally, thanks to Suzie Wright for her research on our behalf and to all of the Freedom for Animals supporters who generously donated to our mobile zoo appeal and who have made the launch of the campaign possible.